Sunday 17 January 2010

Bethany's new pet guinnea pig - Squeak - enjoying some celery

Emily's new pet guinnea pig - Bubble - sitting on her lap

Bethany feeding cousin Harry
Christmas Dinner mark 2 (a buffet!!) - 28th Dec

Organised chaos...present opening at our house on 28th before the rest of the family arrive for dinner!

Mimi !

27th Dec - fun with Uncle Richard and Baby Savannah

The girls playing with Mr. Potato Head on Boxing Day.

Beth riding on 'Holly' looking gorgeous in her new outfit with crimped hair!

Emily on her new keyboard with microphone!

Saturday 16 January 2010

Beth opening one of her presents from Nanna and Gampy.


Mimi & Gampy eagerly awaiting their Christmas dinner!

Mummy enjoying a pre-dinner glass of the new necklace from John!

At Nanna and Gampy's house - waiting for Christmas dinner. Very excited!!

Daddy's turn!

Bethany opening one of her presents.

Mimi opening one of her pressies
Christmas morning and a bleary eyed Mummy directs stocking filler opening with tea and biscuits to wake her up!

Christmas Eve at Grandma & Grandad's house - Santa Daddy came to visit on a big red Fire Engine!!